Sunday, October 3, 2010

Should Online Article Submission Sites Have Categories For History - Hot Topic!

Most online article submission sites are frequented by online article marketers who use this venue to promote their online products, services, or consulting and coaching businesses. This makes sense and this strategy was alive and well almost since the first decade of the printing press. After all, if someone is an authority in their domain of knowledge they can write articles and thus, promote themselves. From the 1960s forward trade journals have often allowed articles printed in their publications by industry experts in trade for publicity.

Today, most of all this has gone online - oh sure, trade journals are allowing more expert contributions as filler due to cut backs in their writing staff because of recessions, but mostly this is really due to the decline of printed magazines giving way to the Internet. The problem I see is that the online article directories are filled with too much promotion and not enough substance. No, not all online article depositories are like this - there are some standouts.

Luckily, for the future of the Internet and the online reader some of the top directories have additional categories. And, it is this present progression that has me, as an online writer with some 20,000 articles online asking why there are so few directories with articles on History. After all, they say that "those who fail to study their history are doomed to repeat it!"

And with that said, I'd recommend the following categories be added to only the true-blue believers in the Internet as the greatest communication and learning device ever created. The following categories with regards to history that I recommend include:

Ancient Cultures
Military History
US History
World History

Any top directory that is skeptical of adding such categories might put a "History" listing in Arts and Entertainment, Philosophy section, or in the Education and Reference section. And, any top directory worth its salt probably could search their data base and could easily prime it with 20-50 articles for each of those subheadings?

Anything that does not fit into a sub-heading could be just put into the main category of "history" such as the history of economics, industries, inventions, etc. And so this is my recommendation as an observer and studier of the online article venue. Please make a note of it.

Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic. Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow.

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